gabrielle civil

Gabrielle Civil
Faculty, MFA Program in Creative Writing,
& BFA Program in Critical Studies (2018-ongoing)
California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA
MFA Program in Creative Writing (Low Residency)
Associate Adjunct Faculty, (2016-present)
Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics,
Naropa University, Boulder, CO
Laura C. Harris Scholar-in-Residence,
Department of Women’s & Gender Studies (2017-2018)
Denison University, Granville, OH
Project: “Activating / Performance \ Activism”
Associate Professor of Performance, (2013-2016) (tenured)
Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH, USA
Associate Professor of English, Women’s Studies
& Critical Studies of Race & Ethnicity, (2000-2013) (tenured)
St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN, USA
Selected Performance Teaching (Intensives & Workshops)
“Embodying Values/ Performing Change,” a performance workshop for institutional change,
St. Catherine University, March 2017
“Bodies of Memory/ Les corps de mémoire: A Workshop of Black Diaspora Performance),”
Islands and Identities: Memory and Trauma in Comparative Perspective conference, Georgia State University, April 2016
“Solid Art y” with Raewyn Martyn & Nicolas Daily, a weekend intensive on Art, Race, Cultural Appropriation & Solidarity” with critical readings and discussion, artist panels and 12-hour art action, Antioch College, November 2014
“Introduction to Performance Art” with Rosamond S. King, University of Zimbabwe, Nov. 2013
“Primer for Performance Art” with Wura-Natasha Ogunji, Organization of Women Writers of Africa Yari Yari Ntaoso: Continuing the Dialogue Conference, Accra, Ghana, May 2013